Five Summer Housekeeping Tips to Improve Your Higher Ed Recruiting Efforts

As you develop your human resources plan for a college or university, here are a few summer housekeeping tasks to complete to best ensure you meet your institution's career recruiting goals. Implementing one or more of these tips today will save you time and money when you need it the most!

Tip 1: Tally your HR recruiting key performance metrics (KPIs).
Colleges and universities have different measures to determine the success of their HR efforts. Be sure you complete the measurements your institution tracks at the same time of year, year-over-year. This will give you the data to find the gaps for your team to improve and the areas to celebrate.


  • Direct cost to hire = actual recruiting expenses from last year / the number of hires you made

  • Time spent to hire (in days) = sum of your time-to-hire for each role (for a month, year, etc.) / the number of hires you made in that same period

  • New hire performance -- Develop and give your managers a survey to complete a year after a new hire joins your organization. Traditional areas in the survey include skill and knowledge ratings, feedback from peers and management, and long-term potential.

Tip 2: Update your procurement team’s vendors list with your preferred vendors.

If you pay to post your openings on third-party career posting websites/platforms, this paperwork can save you precious time during the recruiting season and better ensures that your team members across the organization will utilize your preferred partners, including Inside Higher Ed Careers. Most procurement teams require a W-9 and vendor form to be completed by the partner in advance of the purchase.

Tip 3: Purchase bulk job posting solutions packages to maximize your upcoming year’s budgets.

Most job posting solutions offer discounts for multiple job listings – consider your needs for the entire semester or year. If you have a small team, work with different departments within your institution to get more job postings for less.

Tip 4: Update your school’s website with new faculty and remove those who have left.

This simple update will help your current team be aware of the outstanding openings and those that have been filled. Plus, it will give your new team members a webpage to link to on their personal social media pages. These backlinks can help increase your instutition’s brand awareness and improve your website’s SEO.

Tip 5: Provide new employees with the resources to stay abreast of key trends, news, and opinions in higher ed.

There are a lot of great resources available in higher ed. Add Inside Higher Ed’s FREE e-newsletters to the list. We are the most popular online publication dedicated to all-things higher ed.

We hope these tips provide you with a few ideas and reminders in preparation for the new school year.