A lot of recruiting sites offer services that say they help you reach diverse candidates. Unfortunately, many of these services are woefully ineffective. At Inside Higher Ed, we take a more straightforward and transparent approach – by publishing an inclusive, compelling daily professional journal and offering it free online, we have gathered a diverse, engaged readership that is dedicated to the higher education industry. Our unique advantages for diversity recruiting are multifold.

Inclusive Coverage & Quality Content
When diverse readers and people at diverse institutions come to our site, they find themselves and their institutions and issues covered thoroughly and consistently. Plus, Inside Higher Ed does not favor any higher education sector in its reporting and analysis. Our readers represent a breadth of institution types, non-profits and corporations.

Top-tier Partners
We work with 20+ quality partners who reach qualified minorities, individuals with disabilities, veterans, LGBTQ, women and other diverse individuals for our clients who want to target these important communities.

As a result, our diversity-focus listings receive 44% more applications than a standard job listing. This upgrade includes the following additional benefits:

  • Posts on +20 diversity-focused job boards

  • Showcases in the Diversity Insider email, reaching +32,000 recipients

  • Is shown along with news articles with a diversity focus and diversity focuses promotion in search results

  • Posts for 60 days

We offer diversity upgrades on our Single Listings, Multi-Packs and Unlimited Packages. Click on the buttons below to learn more.

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