Writing a Job Description that Gets Results

You may be wondering what to include in an effective job description that will accurately describe the position and motivate job seekers to apply. Seems easy, no? But when times get busy -- and let's be honest, higher ed is rarely slow -- hiring managers may feel pressured to dust off an old job description and post it almost as-is.

Inside Higher Ed Careers has helped more than 2,000 institutions hire the best higher education talent, and the job descriptions that receive the most interest have the following characteristics. In approximately 800 words or less, they tend to include:

  • Clear and Accurate Title
    Including the rank, department or specialty. For example, “Assistant Professor” is often too vague -- a better title is something like, "Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Performance Studies."

  • Daily Work and Responsibilities
    Describing the teaching load, research responsibilities, administrative duties and more with the percentage of the day for each facet of the job.

  • Role and Team Management
    Featuring the department or team the person will be working with (size, level experience, etc.), if he/she will be supervising people and the title of the role’s supervisor.

  • Culture and Facility
    Highlighting the institution's culture, facility and work environment as well as any innovative approaches to workflows or management.

  • Awards
    Mentioning any recent school, department or team awards or other noteworthy recognition.

  • Qualifications
    Providing an easy-to-read list of essential and preferred qualifications, while trying not to over-inflate the skills and qualifications the position requires.

  • Applying Information

    Including a summary about how to apply, with a deadline.

  • EOE
    Don’t forget to include a notice as an Equal Opportunity Employer.

If you are ready to announce one or more openings with your updated job descriptions and need to purchase a single, multi-pack, or unlimited plan, Inside Higher Ed Careers is ready to assist you.