Minimizing the Effects of High Turnover In Higher Ed
Few higher ed human resource executives and hiring managers feel bored. But the challenges associated with the pandemic, a new generation of hires and the special pressures related to working in higher ed may make your office door feel like a revolving one. Here are a few reasons you may be feeling especially taxed these days:
Having more faculty leave or retire early due to pandemic-related burnout
Replacing more non-tenure and adjunct positions each year as many colleges and universities limit tenure positions
Hiring more frequently because millennials are working an average of three years at a majority of workplaces
Filling many new roles designed to manage the impact of the pandemic on your campus
If you are feeling stressed, you are not alone. Let us help make these challenging times less chaotic for you and your team with our Unlimited Career Listings Package. Inside Higher Ed has helped more than 2,000 institutions hire the best higher education talent.
Our Unlimited Package is the easiest, most cost-effective way to recruit the best talent in higher education. Our platform programmatically provides multiple ways to tap into our 3.5+ million unique monthly readers. With our contextual job cards at the bottom of the news, inline linked College Pages and newsletter highlights, you are sure to capture the attention of both active and passive job seekers.
With one login, one reporting tool and for one fee, you can post as many openings as your team needs -- allowing you to test and optimize job descriptions as well as to run more general openings throughout the year for those positions you regularly need to fill. Learn more about this career listing solution today.